Monday, July 16, 2012

Babywearing lunacy

Oh yes.
Today my Vatanai arrived. Now I have something to alternate with my Didymos. And it's every bit as cushy and soft as the seller promised, perfect for a squish. Not sure if I'll ever move onto an Ergo, an MT (mei tai) or go back to a RS (ring sling), but it's possible in the future I'll get tired of wrapping a double hammock. Although, when it comes out a little different every time in Girosol Amitola rainbow-y goodness, is that even possible?

Welcome to the world of babywearing. Cotton, linen, hemp, bamboo, silk, cotton gauze - there's something for every mother and every child, from squish (newborn) to lanky five-year-olds. The forums tsk over Seven slings and Bubba Moes (can't check the angle of neck/spine easily), Sleepy Wraps and Hug-a-Bubs (stretchy is only good for the first few months) and FFO (front facing outward) carriers like the eponymous Baby Bjorn (commonly and disparagingly referred to as 'crotch-dangler'). Once you get past the range of blends, welcome to the world of colours. I'm particularly captivated by the idea of a rainbow wrap, and have a lovely local mommy to thank for corrupting me (I was already corrupted, but she lent me her Amitola and now I'm besotted. I see one in my near future - and then my stash will be complete - famous last words?)
Amitola Rainbow. Mmm-mm.
I've been doing my own reading on the subject (surprise, surprise) and so far I like everything I read about baby wearing. It works for reflux, correct spinal development (no risk of hip dysplasia), keeps baby close, calm and comfortable. (Dear God, even my mother thinks it's a good idea, and after nappying me in terry flats, she was alllll over the idea of disposables.) Someone referred to the first six months of a baby's life as the fourth and fifth trimester, and I think wrapping is just that.  If nothing else, I'm finally looking hugely pregnant in the way I never really did, and quite enjoying it.

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